Community Service Hours Letter For School Which UC School Can I Get Into With This Resume?

Which UC School can I get into with this resume? - community service hours letter for school

4.0 + GPA
Top 2% of my class, about 370 students
10 AP / Honors Classes
1800 SA
600 SA-II-M ath Level 2
Sa Biology 650
Key Club members, members of the LCR, a member of the USS
President of the Spanish clubs and Mathematics
CCOC (Central County Occupational Center), the participants
Several hours of community service
Several letters of recommendation


binks said...

Well, letters of recommendation for a school that is actually used, stored UC, s can not. They have a good average, decent, SA II, decent clubs and extra-curriculars. You must be to UCLA, UCB, UCSD, and in May, Davis or Irvine or Santa Barbara as a backup application. You will receive at least 3 of these models. You should already have a place at UC have guaranteed, because of their ELC status. Good Luck

jb said...

Good GPA, but his scores are for SA Berkeley, Los Angeles and the SD, 250 points below the average for the first SATI Low 2 So these are not likely to happen unless there is something more to be found - Downtown underperforming schools, low income and first generation college .... it would give him a chance.

Your result is about 50 points below the average in the SB, R & D to come, but due to their high average because of some of these and all others.

This is a difficult year, but UC's freshmen less than in previous years due to budget crisis, so there is no guarantee.

jake s said...

UCLA and Berkeley probably not ... UCSD will probably not, but the rest probably in fine.

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